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本網頁所載內容及資料僅供登入者參考,絕對非用作治療、醫療或預防任何疾病,並無作為專業意見之意圖。 本公司建議在有需要的情況下應向專業保健專家或對營養有深入研究醫師尋求協助及獲取專業見。 

儘管本公司已盡最大努力確保本網頁所載的內容均來自準確、完整及適時可靠的來源資料 ,惟本公司並聲明不能保證或承諾此等資料在任何特定用途上的準確性、完整性或有效性。

本公司不能亦不會對閣下擬因應本網址所獲得的資料而採取的任何行動 或對該等資料有所倚賴而導致的任何損失而承擔任何責任; 本公司亦不會對該等資料在特定用途上的安全性 , 準確性, 恰當性或對因聯通或下載本網頁任何資料可能出現的電腦病毒感染或類似情況的防範作出任何保證。 

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除此,本網站提供的產品資料是轉載自相關制造商的產品標籤或製造商的傳播信息。 本公司毋須就製造商對其產品所提供的信息和聲明作出任何承擔,亦毋須對任何產品配方或製法之轉變而負責。

本網頁所載產品沒有根據《藥劑業及毒藥》或 《中醫藥條例》註冊。為此產品作出的任何、聲稱亦沒有為進該等註冊而接受評核。此產品不供作診斷 治療或預防任何疾病之用。

Online Web Services Legal Disclaimer

1. Online Web Services (“OWS”), the operator of this web site, shall not be responsible or liable:

(a)for any actions taken, either wholly or in part, based on the information provided on products, services and websites that OWS, its subsidiaries, or affiliated companies offer (collectively, the “OWS Services”); 

(b)for any loss, damage, expense or injury resulting from any transactions conducted with any online merchant or other third party through any of the OWS Services; 

(c)to honor (or to cause any merchant to honor) any erroneous information regarding the price, description and availability of, or any discounts, offers, promotions and coupons relating to, any product or service offerings available through any of the OWS Services; 

(d)for any loss, damage, expense, or injury that you may suffer by:

(e)using any of the OWS Services; 

(f)reliance on information provided through any of the OWS Services; 

(g)using any third party products and services;


whether or not they are accessible through any of the OWS Services.

2. The information, services, products, and materials contained or available through any of the OWS Services, including but not limited to, text, graphics, and links, are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the maximum extent permitted by law, OWS disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to,:


(a) quality, merchantability quality, and fitness for any particular purpose;

(b) title, non-infringement, freedom from computer viruses, worms, and other operating problems;

(c)course of dealing or course of performance;

(d)any of the OWS Services will meet any user’s requirements, fulfillment of any purposes or needs; 

(e)that the OWS Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure; complete, current or error free.

3. All information available through any of the OWS Services is subject to change without notice.

4. If any provision in this disclaimer shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the provision shall be severed to the extend required without modifying the remaining provisions. This shall not in any way affect the validity or enforcement of this disclaimer.


5. This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

All products are not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such Registration. The products listed in this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. For any question, please consult your healthcare professionals.

本網站內所有的產品沒有根據 «藥劑業及毒藥條例» 或«中醫條例» 註冊, 和作出任何聲明 (聲稱),亦沒有為此該等註冊而接受評核。 本網站內所顯示的內容及產品並不會供作診斷﹑治療或預防任何疾病之用。 如有任何問題,請諮詢專業醫護人員。